As a pioneer of eco tours on the Gold Coast, and as a Leading Eco Company , we will continue to participate in environmental protection programs so that we may keep our precious planet beautiful for generations to come.

As an Eco Tour company, Tour Gold Coast is a member of Ecotourism Australia and works for the protection of the environment through various partner organisations. We received Green Travel Leader – Hall of Fame status in 2019 as we have been holding certification in Eco tourism for a total of over 20 years.

The ‘Glow Worm Tour’ is tours which have been accredited as Advanced Eco Tours by Ecotourism Australia.

Our stance on working with the Indigenous peoples of Australia to operate our tours has been recognised by the Respecting Our Culture program and certified.

Accredited companies have passed a test regarding the business’ climate aware practices.

Tour Gold Coast has achieved accreditation through the Quality Tourism Framework as a QTAB-Sustainable accredited business. The Quality Tourism Framework is a national business development program recognising businesses that share a vision of quality service and excellence. Our new accreditation status tells you and the wider industry we are committed to providing a high quality tourism product, service and experience.
Australian Tourism Accreditation Program (trustthetickqld.com.au)

South Pole TM aims to help individuals and businesses reach sustainability commitments and goals by accelerating the transition of carbon emissions to a low-carbon and climate-resilient economy, whilst at the same time, contributing towards the growth of the renewable energy industry in hopes for a future of 100% renewable global energy. Tour Gold Coast works closely and invests into South Pole’s climate protection project to reduce Greenhouse Gas Emissions in support of the ‘Protection of Tasmanian Native Forest – Project 1 REDD Forests, Australia’. The carbon credits that South Pole source are from accredited and new renewable energy projects whilst supporting the UN Sustainable Development Goals.

Our bus services are an integral part of our tours, in order to take our customers to the National Parks. However, operating these vehicles inevitably releases CO2 into the atmosphere; hence, we participate in this tree planting program to offset this production and restore the balance. During the tour, the guides will ask for a voluntary donation to the program. Please consider supporting this cause for the protection of the environment.